The greatest private fraud of human history.
Who are the great fraudsters who are
becoming the murderers of the human kind?
How does the economy "illness"
threaten Democracy and the freedom of people?
We are starting our analysis with a really
creepy hypothesis. Could anyone imagine to be put on a respirator in a way that
his/her breathing to be his/her cause of death? breath in but not to be
able to breath out breath increasingly greater amounts of air without
breathing out breath in through the mouth using an one-way tube
...whatever he/she inhales to remain in the lungs and not to be able to be
relieved exhaling ...whatever he/she inhales to remain in the organism and to
make him/her "blow up" ...the life-giving respiration to become
gradually an absolutely torturing "one-way" process leading to death
...each new breath to become a new painful "step" towards the end reach at a point that the patient refuses to inhale to avoid pain
refuse to breath to avoid "blowing up", knowing at the same time that
–without breathing- his/her chance to live decrease. We are talking about a
medical scenario of endless pain and great vice.
This inhuman scenario is not irrelevant
with the situation to which global society has reached. It is exactly what has
happened with the countries and their economies. Some "murderers" of
economy took the "living" states of the league of nations and
"put them on a respirator" in a way that they are led to the current
situation the current situation where old debts create new debts and the
states in their effort to "breath" actually are getting closer to
"death" ...all states, not just the weaker ones ...states like USA,
Britain, France, etc.. The “success" of these states cannot be logically
explained cannot explain the fact that USA “succeeded” to exercise
imperialism all over the world, to loot the whole Planet and at the end to be a
deficit at the balance.